Battling for beans: prison dining

What will it be today, perhaps the little pot of seeds and peanuts? Oh, you’ve got no money? Luckily we still have the lettuce sandwiches. With the side order of lettuce, of course…

For several months this year, that’s what the political prisoners held in Surrey’s Bronzefield prison had on offer, plus the occasional packet of crisps. Fresh fruit and vegetables, and even tinned ones, are rare.

It’s not the same everywhere. Despite earning £66,000 per prisoner annually, the privately run Bronzefield is particularly bad at feeding its prisoners. Indigo, a Just Stop Oil supporter imprisoned near Manchester, can eat food grown in the prison garden. But for others at Bronzefield, the pots of fruit puree provided to brighten up visits for prisoners’ families have become precious treats.

While it’s particularly bad for vegans and vegetarians, everyone is at risk of hunger. At Wormwood Scrubs in London, Luke, Rory and other prisoners we support say their daily rations of a small packet of cereal, wrap, sausage roll and curry rarely exceed 1,500 calories. There have been reports of inmates at Wormwood boiling a pigeon in a kettle because they were so hungry.

Money can buy some respite. Prisons have canteens where inmates can spend £25 a week on extra food. But anything hot is only the fastest of fast-food. There is little for non meat-eaters and prisoners have to split their money between food, phone credits and toileteries. Not easy when they’re charged 18p a minute for calls.

Outside the prison walls, the change our political prisoners are fighting for can seem slow to arrive. Inside, it feels much slower. But it does come. After months of asking for food with more protein and fibre, our friends are now getting more beans and chickpeas. It’s a start.

Together with the Rebels in Prison Support Team, CASP supports our political prisoners. We ensure they have enough money to buy what food is available, alongside the legal, emotional and community support we give everyone in nonviolent resistance to the climate crisis.

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