Read about the reality of life behind bars for the political prisoners we support.
Three prison stories of strength and solidarity
Life gets harder behind bars – prisons are crumbling and everything, from getting food to sending letters, is a struggle. But life doesn’t just stop.
How Phoebe and Jane beat a broken court
Despite all the problems it’s facing, the legal system is bending over backwards to criminalise people taking peaceful climate action. It doesn’t always succeed though.…
Return to sender: censorship in prisons
As drugs and weapons flood over their walls, the UK’s prisons are putting their resources into blocking political prisoners’ post.
Battling for beans: prison dining
What will it be today, perhaps the little pot of seeds and peanuts? Oh, you’ve got no money? Luckily we still have the lettuce sandwiches.…
The 2024 political prisoner playlist
As we wrapped up 2024, our friends behind bars came together to share their favourite tunes that have kept them going through a year of…

In 2023, CASP supported over 3000 activists under arrest. Our work is funded by your donations. To allow us to continue providing crucial legal support to activists, please consider donating.